Depending on an individual’s perspective, some sports outside professional leagues can be classified as weird. North Americans aren’t too fond of cricket and even a few South Americans haven’t even heard of hockey.
Weird Sport #1. The Ultimate Test: Man v.s. Horse
Weird Sport #2. Where Love Is The Key To Success
Weird Sport #3. Going For A Different Kind Of Swim
Weird Sport #4. Putting Your Toe To Good Use
Weird Sport #5. Another Use For Those Fists Of Steel
The sport is played indoors and outdoors and is featured in The World Games.
Source: US Handball Association
Weird Sport #6. Taking Underwater Sports To The Next Level
Source: The British Octopush Association
Weird Sport #7. Reinventing A Childhood Sport
Source: World Adult Kickball Association
Weird Sport #8. Combining Brains And Brawn
The sport is governed by the World Chess Boxing Organization whose motto is:
“Fighting is done in the ring and wars are waged on the board”
Source: World Chess Boxing Organization
Weird Sport #9. Finding Out Who's Faster: You Or Cheese
Weird Sport #10. Putting Testosterone To Good Use
If only the competitors played in rock bands.
Source: World Bear And Moustache Championships
Which one do you think is the weirdest sport? Are there any other weird sports you know of?