Monday, September 15, 2014

Terbongkar! Iklan Yang Dilancarkan Oleh Organisasi Yahudi Ini Sangat Mengejutkan

Terbongkar! Iklan Yang Dilancarkan Oleh Organisasi Yahudi Ini Sangat Mengejutkan Di Boston, Amerika Syarikat, iklan bertajuk ‘One Word’ yang dipamerkan pada sistem kerataapi bawah tanah sangat mengejutkan. Iklan ini dilancarkan oleh ‘Ads Angainst Apartheid’ (AAA) bertujuan mempersoalkan dan menyedarkan tentang kekejaman Israel dalam isu keamanan timur tengah. Iklan ini telah menjadi tajuk utama di akhbar-akhbar utama Palestin...

Cerita Sebenar Wanita Bertudung Bergambar Dengan Seekor Anjing Menjadi Viral Di Facebook

Cerita Sebenar Wanita Bertudung Bergambar Dengan Seekor Anjing Menjadi Viral Di Facebook Gara-gara memuat naik sekeping gambar dengan seekor anjing, seorang wanita bertudung dikecam oleh netizen tanpa mengetahui cerita sebenar di sebalik gambar. Justeru, ramai yang memberikan pandangan negatif mengenainya, tidak kurang juga ustaz/ustazah ‘mee segera’ memberikan pandangan yang tidak sahih. Mengetahui gambarnya menjadi viral di laman...

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Batu Caves – World’s Most Beautiful Caves

Batu Caves are one of the most beautiful and most popular caves from all over the world. It is a limestone hill that has a series of caves and cave temples. It is situated in the Gombak district, 13 kilometres (8 mi) north of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Gombak is a district located in the state of Selangor, Malaysia. It was created on February 1, 1974. Gombak is divided to 4 sub-district area: Batu, Rawang, Setapak...

Kelimutu Lakes – World’s Surreal Lakes

Crater lakes hide special magic, mystery and uniqueness. Can be created as a result of volcanic activity, meteor drop or explosion. Once the crater is formed, rain, runoff, groundwater circulation or melted ice filled crater with water, thus generating an interesting crater lake. There are also volcanic lakes whose water color is incredibly picturesque, but filled with volcanic gases. Unlike volcanic lakes, ponds crater as part of old...

Bow in Front of The Leshan Giant Buddha, World’s Biggest Buddha Statue

The Leshan Giant Buddha is one of the most biggest and most beautiful statue from all over the world. It is situated near the city of Leshan in China. China  is a sovereign state located in East Asia. With a population of over 1.35 billion of people, China is the world’s most populous country. By land area China is at the second place with a 9.6 million square kilometers. Landscapes in China are vast and diverse. There you...

101 Most Beautiful Places You Must Visit

101 Most Beautiful Places You Must Visit  – part 1 The world in which we live is full of wonderful places that most of us do not know  they really exist. Here you can see some of those breathtaking places  around the world. Enjoy! Santorini, Greece Plitvice Lakes National Park, Croatia Glacier National Park, Montana Mount Emei Scenic Area: Leshan Giant Buddha, China Natural Pool - Santorini, Greece Nishinomaru...